Contributed to an expert round up on Hobby Kraz

April 12, 2022

Provided expert opinion, with 40 other relationship experts, to Minuca Elena, about hobbies for couples to share in Hobby Kraz.

Featured in O.School

March 11, 2022

Provided expert opinion to Emily Klein, about supporting a partner with depression in

Featured in

March 19, 2021

Provided expert opinion to Sharon Brandwein, about navigating relationship with in-laws for

Featured in Spokesman-Review

February 11, 2021

Provided expert opinion to Ed Condran, about how couples can bond over board games in The Spokesman-Review.

expert chat with dr. blevins

July 19, 2020

I joined Dr. Leslie Blevins, from the Enilda Clinic, in a discussion about couples therapy and how it can help parenting. Watch here.

Listen & Learn w/ Billie Tyler

Spring 2020

I hosted candid chats with therapists to learn about their thoughts on getting through this challenging time. Playlist here.

Joined Catch someone doing something great

April 3, 2020

Chatted with Lynn Buckway about Strengthening Relationships During Covid-19. Watch here.